
Instant noodles with baked meat and vegetables


Sometimes you want something so much that packages of instant noodles come to the rescue. But if you cook healthy and correctly, you can replace spice powders and freeze-dried vegetables and meat with fresh ones


Ingredients :

4 packs of instant noodles
Frozen or fresh vegetables – broccoli, peas – 200 gr

8 pcs – Cherry tomatoes
1 pc – Red onion
1 pc – Chili pepper
Salt, spices to taste
400-500 gr – Baked meat

Method :

Bake the meat (I had a piece of pork marinated in soy sauce, garlic, and meat seasonings) in the oven in foil for 30-40 minutes, open the foil 10 minutes before readiness

To prepare the noodles, take a pan and boil water for pasta, add a little salt

If we use frozen vegetables, then as soon as the water in the pan boils, throw in the peas and broccoli for 3-5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. If the vegetables are fresh, then you can simmer only broccoli in water

Boil the noodles in the resulting vegetable broth for literally 3 minutes. If desired, you can add the vegetable packet that comes with the noodles. We drain the water

Place the noodles on a plate, and add the chopped meat and fresh and boiled vegetables

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