
Best Bread recipe you can’t imagine tastier


Bread for me is a special love and comfort in the house. Sometimes I pamper my family with homemade bread. I think there is nothing tastier than homemade bread made with your own hands

ingredients :

1 liter boiled water
yeast 50 gr. best raw
vegetable oil 3 tbsp
sugar 2 tbsp
salt 2 teaspoons
flour 1.5 – 1.7 kg

Method :

It is best to add everything in the following order: dissolve the yeast in warm water first, followed by vegetable oil, sugar, salt, and flour. The main thing here is the kneading is good. Almost fell off my hands. In a warm place for an hour, an hour and a half, the dough without dough, so we will lower it, upset it twice. When it comes up for the first time, you need to lower the dough, after the second rise, we distribute it into molds and the dough ripens and rises for half an hour. We bake in an electric oven below at a temperature of 220 for 40-45 minutes


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