
Banana chocolate jelly dessert


Well, let’s make an easy no-bake pear peel dessert! The recipe is based on fermented milk, which is a very healthy and valuable product. And if you use sweetener instead of sugar, the chocolate dessert will turn out to be dietary

Ingredients :


500 gr – fermented baked milk
2 pcs – ripe bananas
2 tbsp – cocoa
gelatin – 12 gr – gelatin
sugar – 3 tbsp. (or a little more, to taste)
50 ml – cold water

Method :

In a small container, soak the gelatin in 50 ml of cold water

Place bananas, cocoa, and sugar in a deep container

Using a blender, turn these ingredients into a homogeneous puree

We add fermented baked milk to the puree and mix well

We dissolve the swollen gelatin

There are several ways:

you can put it in the microwave for 5-8 seconds, or in a water bath. I did this on the stove in a saucepan at a low temperature. The gelatin grains should dissolve; there is no need to boil it!

Since the gelatin is hot, we add a few spoons of banana mass to it and mix

Combine with banana-chocolate mass

Beat with a blender for 25-30 seconds

Pour into molds. I have three glasses with a capacity of 300 ml each

Place our future dessert in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours

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